Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Client Game #1

This is going to be my first “client” game! Here are the rules: you may put in 5 answers per client, if the question asks for a set then you must answer in a set (ex. Naming twins give me 5 sets of twin names), and finally have fun!!! I will announce the winners before my post on January 16th J

Client Number 1: This couple already has two daughters named Phoebe and Juliet and just found out they are having a 3rd! They have no idea where to start, give them some suggestions.

Client Number 2: It’s going to be a full house of boys for this couple, they already have Arlo, Porter, and Barrett, and just found out they are having a fourth. They don’t care about popularity, and don’t want any of the names to sound too similar, suggest some boys names!

Client Number 3: This couple is playing one team green for their first baby! For girls they like long flowy princessy names for first names, and for boys they like strong, masculine ones for first names. They also don’t want anything too popular, so keep it out of the top 500. The middle name should be short and sweet. What would you name their first child?

Client Number 4: No matter what this couple does, they cannot agree on names. His favorites are Avery, Brooklyn and Ella, her’s are Rosalina, Penelope, and Juliette, help them find some middle ground for their first daughter. They are also stuck on middle names, so give them complete combos.

Client Number 5: This couple already has two daughter Audrey Victoria and Anna Olivia and just found out that they are having a boy! Should they continue the A trend or pick a different letter for their first son, you choose! For his middle, something long to match his sisters!

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