Sunday, April 14, 2013

Outside my Comfort Zone

Naming OCD. Most other namers I talk to have naming OCD in some form or another. Some of the more common manifestations come in length (either visual length or syllables), sounds and meanings. Quite sadly, I have delve into all these variations of the same problem which puts some names that I absolutely adore way out of my comfort zone. Today’s blog post is going to be on some of those names


Name: Nathaniel
Rank (In Canada): 64
Meaning: God has given
Why I Simply Can’t Use It: As you might have noticed, my sibsets are composed of only 2 syllable first names. Although I do slightly prefer the sound and feel of Nathaniel to that of its little brother Nathan, it just stressed me out to much to have it on my list. At one point I tried to counterbalance it with Claire, hoping that having one be too long and the other too short would balance it out. But no dice.

Name: Riley
Rank (In Canada): 30
Meaning: Derived from a place name meaning rye clearing
Why I Simply Can’t Use It: I have a severe issue when two names in a set start with the same letter. I’ve had Riley bounce on and off my list depending on whether or not I have Ruby as a first or a middle. Lately I’ve been loving Ruby more and more as a first, so I’ve had to put Riley back on the shelf.

Name: Kieran
Rank (In Canada): n/a
Meaning: Black
Why I Simply Can’t Use It: Here I must admit to a bit of hypocrisy. Popularity! I like to say that the popularity of a name doesn’t matter to me, but I guess it kind of does. Currently, all six first names in my top combos (Ruby, Anna, Piper, Nathan, Hunter and Caleb) are in Canada’s 100 most popular names. To me, it’s just really weird to have some very popular names in a set next to some unranked ones. When I say popularity doesn’t matter to me, I guess I mean I love names that are both popular and unpopular, just not together. An unpopular sibset I could adore would be Kieran, Tanner, Arden and Hazel.


Name: Brenna
Rank (In Canada): n/a
Meaning: Sorrow
Why I Simply Can’t Use It: Although I usually don’t have the same kind of problem with endings as I do with beginnings, Brenna is just too similar to another name on my favorites list; Anna. I feel like Anna just suits me more, but I do love both.

Name: Celia
Rank (In Canada): n/a
Meaning: From the Latin for heaven
Why I Simply Can’t Use It: This goes back to my issues in syllable count. I’ve always found Celia to be so light and gorgeous, but it just doesn’t work for me!

Name: Hazel
Rank (In Canada): n/a
Meaning: a nature and color name
Why I Simply Can’t Use It: Hazel gives me so much grief when it comes to theme-y ness. I adore Ruby and many nature names and rarely is there a time when my list lacks another plant or color. I know that this would barely register with non namers, but it bothers me so much.

            Are there any names that you would use if not for some naming OCD? Or do you think I’m completely crazy? Leave a comment either way :)

 - Hayl

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