Monday, August 19, 2013

The top 'H' names of 2012

Hey guys!
Week 8: 'H' names!

Name: Hannah
Rank: 22
My opinion: I love this name. It is one of the first girls names I ever remember falling in love with!

Name: Harper
Rank: 24
My opinion: I don't like the sound of this name. HARper sounds HARd and HARsh.

Name: Hailey
Rank: 32
My opinion: So cute, but I don't see it aging well, and all the different spelling variations is ridiculous.

Name: Hadley
Rank: 130
My opinion: LOVE LOVE!

Name: Hazel
Rank: 175
My opinion: I don't like this name because I named my Webkinz unicorn this, so when I hear it I think of a white unicorn with a sparkly horn.

Favorite 'H' girls' name: Hannah
Least favorite 'H' girls' name: Hazel

Name: Henry
Rank: 43
My opinion: Like Hazel, I named a Webkinz Henry. My blue hippo was named Henry, and that is what I picture when I hear this name.

Name: Hunter
Rank: 45
My opinion: I am neutral with this name. I love it as a middle name.

Name: Hudson
Rank: 93
My opinion: Love Hudson! Absolutely adorable!

Name: Hayden
Rank: 109
My opinion: The least common of the common -ayden names (Aiden, Jayden, Kayden, Brayden), I love Hayden the most, but I cant have it in my top 5 because I have Aidan at #4.

Name: Harrison
Rank: 181
My opinion: I don't like this name. I cant picture it on a baby.

Favorite 'H' boys' name: Hayden
Least favorite 'H' boys' name: Harrison

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. If you like names like Grace and Hope and Faith, I always thought the name Honor would be pretty for a girl. The H is silent, obviously, but it has such a pretty and old-fashioned sound, and Nora works as a nick-name.

    A few other more unusual H options include: Harlow, Hale, Hoban, Hogan, and Harris. All of these fit into a "using surnames as first names" category, which is a trend I really kind of like. It turns up so many interesting options for both boys and girls.
