Monday, July 21, 2014

My Favorite Unusual Nature Names

Hey guys!
The theme this week is nature / flower names! Instead of talking about Lily or Rose or other common nature names, I will be sharing my favorite "unusual" names. 
Listed below each name is its rank in 2013, meaning, origin and how they relate to nature. 

Rank: Not in the top 1000
Meaning: 'ash tree'
Origin: English
How it relates to nature: a tree with silver-grey bark and compound leaves, often found in northern temperate regions

Rank: #487 for girls / Not in the top 1000 for boys
Meaning: Nature and place name
Origin: N/A
How it relates to nature: a tree with rounded, long-stalked, and coarsely toothed leaves

Rank: Not in the top 1000
Meaning: 'berry' 
Origin: Latin
How it relates to nature: a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward, or an indentation in a range of hills or mountains

Rank: Not in the top 1000
Meaning: Word name 
Origin: N/A
How it relates to nature: a places on the coast where vessels may find shelter

Rank: #303 for boys / Not in the top 1000 for girls
Meaning: 'small roadway or path'
Origin: English
How it relates to nature: a narrow road, or a division of a road marked off by painted lines

Rank: Not in the top 1000
Meaning: Tree name
Origin: N/A
How it relates to nature: a tree with heart-shaped leaves and yellow blossoms, often found in northern temperate regions

Rank: #600 for girls 
Meaning: 'from the sea'
Origin: Latin
How it relates to nature: a specially designed harbor with moorings for small boats

Rank: #399 for boys
Meaning: Mythology name
Origin: Greek
How it relates to nature: a constellation, also known as "The Hunter"

Rank: Not in the top 1000
Meaning: Word name
Origin: N/A
How it relates to nature: a large public green area in a town, used for recreation

Rank: #295 for boys / #426 for girls
Meaning: 'little redhead'
Origin: Scottish & Irish 
How it relates to nature: a mountain ash-like tree

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